Club Night Guest Speaker
Peter Swain RBW All Electric MGB
Tuesday 5th November 2019
We had a very interesting talk at the Club Night on Tuesday, from Peter Swain of RBW about his all electric MGB. Peter explained how the project was started, after litigation against him from a business sale resulted in a nervous breakdown, however with help from Friends & (most of all) Family he started again this time in a Classic Car business and came up with the idea of making an MGB electric powered. He enlisted the help of Continental who are providing the motors and electronics (the most important part) and has got the project up to production level. Although, you do need deep pockets to purchase one, they have orders to get them started. The car is based on a Heritage shell with Golf Mk7 suspension, so is all new and drives very well. Despite the dark we were all able to have a good look at the car and I was privileged to drive round the block, a great experience. A big thank you to Peter for sharing the project with us and to Nick for arranging it. I’m sure we would all wish Peter the best of luck to make the project a big success. Thanks to Norman for the photos.

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Skittles Evening
The Butchers Arms Mickleton
Friday 18th October 2019
Our trusty photographer Norman did a great job last at the Skittles Evening and has sent me these fantastic photos from the evening. There were a few no shows, so we had less than the full complement (I hope they are all getting better) but everyone had a good time if the last photo is any guide. The competition this year was the ‘B’ Team (MGB Owners) v ‘The Rest’ and would you believe after 3 rounds the scores were tied at 257 points each but ‘The Rest’ had an extra player, so the ‘B’ Team was declared the winners. There were other winners but we have to start with the ‘Wooden Spoon’ and there was a couple who struggles even as a pair to add much to the scoreboard, so Mike & Jane were awarded the award!! We had enough time this year to have 3 lives each for ‘Killer’ and there were 3 players in the final round (Paul, Graham & Steve) and Paul knocked a single pin but neither Graham or Steve could hold their nerve to keep up, so Paul won the bottle of wine. The ladies performed well with all the highest scores of the evening, however it was Diane who topped the list with a score of 25, aided by a ‘Full House’ on her first go, so received the bottle of wine. The men were not as good with 3 of us (Paul [again!!], Fred & Lex) on 22, so a ‘Play Off’ was required. We decided to have 1 ball each with the full 9 pins and the highest score would win, despite a poor score in the play off by Paul the other 2 failed to exceed it, so Paul won the bottle. Many thanks to Norman for the photos.

Malvern Transport Show
Sunday 13th October 2019
A few brave souls braved the elements today to put on a display at the Malvern Transport Show. The rain did ease off around 11 O’clock (just as well as my windscreen wipers packed up half way there!!) but started again at 2pm, so we packed up and headed for home. Fred did well with the runners up prize in the 1970’s section, well done Fred. Thanks to Alan for organising what was still an enjoyable and sociable day. Now that’s 2 years of wet, will it be better next year? Should we go again?

Graham also sent some photos:
Wellesbourne Lions Classic Fun Day
Sunday 8th September 2019
Although this was not billed as a Club Event a good few attended and displayed under the Club Flag & Banner. Nigel reported that it was a good day and from the photos sent by Clive there was plenty of sunshine.

Brought Castle Transport Show
Sunday 25th August 2019
This was a new show, so we thought we would give it a try in place of the Pershore Plum Festival, which is getting a bit ‘busy’ in the ‘MG field. Looks like the Club had a good day there and I’m told the run to get there was good, how much water was there in the Ford? Many thanks as always to Alan and the team for organising, also Lech & Paul for the run and Norman for the photos. There was a further report from the Show and Alan & Julia sent some photos and reported : “Mike with his red TF won best in his category & then went on to win Best in Show at the end of the day. Added to that Arden MG Club came second in Club category (he revealed our award at the Club night)”. I was also informed that Trevor & Angela won second prize in their year group. Well done Mike and Trevor & Angela also congratulations to Alan for organising the Club display.

At the September Club Night Alan brought the award for Best Club Display Runner’s Up to show everyone, here are the photos thanks to Norman.

Brailes Show
Saturday 11th August 2019
This is our Annual visit to the Brailes Show, however the numbers were a bit down on previous years, no doubt the weather forecast didn’t help. 10 of us braved the rain, which mostly cleared for sunny spells in the afternoon. It was a very windy day, so we were not able to use the storm shelter or the Club flag, however several of us paraded around the display ring (in our cars of course). The show was a little bit smaller than other years as they squeezed the stalls into the marque and the pavilion but everyone had a good wonder around during the bright spells.
Chairman’s Picnic
The Golden Cross to Rousham Park
Sunday 28th July 2019
Another very successful day out for the Arden MG Club, with the usual start at the Golden Cross for bacon rolls, a 40 mile scenic drive and a grand Picnic at Rousham Park. I think everyone had a good time and certainly no one went away hungry. ‘The Team’ did a great job getting the site ready for us, it s very good of them to miss out the run and go straight to the venue to have everything ready for when we all arrive.
A new idea in the route this time was a short stretch on a gated road and an alternative route around but not many braved the poor road and gates an took to the detour. The picnic was plentyful and varied with not much left after seconds. Sorry I missed the celebration cake for Gaynor’s birthday, I’m told this was a ‘significant’ one, congratulations.
Before the seconds we all had a wander around the wonderful grounds, by which time the sun was starting to make an apperance, we did much better than the forecast predicted (just as well). Many thanks again to ‘The Team’ for setting up, well done.
Badsey Flower Show
Saturday 20th July 2019
We were again invited to join in the Badsey Flower Show and a good few cars turned up to make up our display. The weather could have been better but there was some sunshine later in the afternoon, it was much improved on last year. Alan & Julia went one better than last year as well, offering a glass of Prosecco with the cream scone and strawberries, yummy. Caroline was the ‘Lucky Girl’ on the day coming back with an armful of prizes from the bottle tombola. The sky was clear enough for the BBMF (Battle of Britain Memorial Flight) to do a fly past with a Hurricane. Another great day out, well done Alan & Julia. The surprise at the end of the day was for Julia, to celebrate her birthday.
Thanks to Alan & Julia who did a great job and to Steve for inviting us.
Quiz on Wheelz 2019
Wednesday 17th July 2019
Thanks to Graham & Fiona for the organisation, Graham & friend for the clues (even though some were very devious!!) and Lech for the route to the stopping places. Yes this year was a new format with two stops on the route to get out of the cars and search for the answers. The stops were at Mickelton & Chipping Campden, returning to the Golden Cross for a very tasty buffet. Thanks as ever to Norman for the photos.
A little down on numbers but a good evening, great meal at the Cross. I think the new format worked well, maybe a couple of tweaks required, what did everyone else think? Yet again Lech & Pam were the winners and Marg won the ‘table quiz’ prize. I was not going to embarrass the wooden spoon winner but there again it was Richard & Fiona!