Malvern Transport Show
Sunday 11th October 2020
We attended the Malvern Transport Show at the Three Counties Showground and would you believe it, there was NO rain, not only that there was sunshine, not super warm but we were able to sit having our picnics and good company with the correct social distancing. The organisers had advised everyone that the Show would be totally out doors but that didn’t stop a good number and variety of cars from turning up, along with lots of trade stands, so something for everyone. We had 6 MGs on display, well 7 if you include the Mike Green XK8 and everyone had an enjoyable day.
BMC & Leyland Show, BMM Gaydon
Sunday 6th September 2020
This was a very well attended show, both for us and for the Museum (by lunch time they had to close entry for non-booked visitors!!). It was a great display which also included the Mini & Metro Show, so lots to look at. I got there early to ensure we reserved our space between the Collections Centre and the Museum Entrance and just as well from the stories of queues to get in and to stop interlopers moving into our area. Lots of sunshine ensured everyone was able to enjoy a picnic and the whole day, with the exception of Norman & Christine. On the way down the Spine Road to get on site there was a big bang followed by difficulty selecting gear, so fearing a serious clutch problem, they left early to be sure of getting home if there was a problem, however by careful route planning the drive back was uneventful with only one gear change the whole way. The car is now awaiting minor surgery.
Heritage Run Revisited
Sunday 23rd August 2020
There were 17 MGs (plus an MG Quashqi, David & Diane’s Lady B was still awaiting some new core plugs) lined up at the Golden Cross to celebrate the Heritage Run from 1998 and Matt did a great job providing Bacon Rolls and coffee ouside the Restaurant window. Our destination had changed a lot in the intervening years, as it is now a ‘Retail Opportunity’ & Cafe, I remember it being an old barn with equipment in and very few facilities, how time moves on!! A lovely route that Lech had mapped out back then, so I’m going to blame him for the mix-up on the mileages after Malvern (he checked the instructions on our recce) but I don’t think that detracted from anyone’s enjoyment of the run. I’m not sure the provisions at the Hop Pocket were as good as some previous runs but the salads looked OK and it was a shame the ‘Hop Museum’ was closed but despite getting soaked going round Ledbury on the way home we enjoyed the day out with good company.
Show Night
Tuesday 4th August 2020
We finally managed to have a Club Night in August after 5 months, I hope everyone enjoyed the evening. To make this an ‘outside only’ event I used it as our ‘Show Night’ and given the circumstances it was a good turnout. As this was going to be outside in the Orchard I set the start time at 6.30pm and folks were arriving long before I got myself set up, using a new disposable glove to put the prizes in place and voting slips were emailed out the evening before. Thanks to everyone for complying with the ‘Test & Trace’ regulations and providing your contact phone numbers. There was lots of social distancing going on and Matt was happy everyone was well behaved in getting their drinks. Even the raffle was self service, with Graham providing one of his cartoons with the instructions, thanks Graham & Helen. Many thanks also to David who was on Car Park Marshall duties all evening.
All the votes were cast by 8.15pm, so onto the Prize Giving, with this year’s awards being Certificates, kindly printed and written by Graham, what would we do without him, as he also became the photographer for the evening (in the absence of Norman) his photos have been put together in a ‘Youtube’ video, available at this link:
Best Early MG – Caroline P, MGA. Runners up – Mike B, TD Midget & Helen, TC Midget.
Best Modern MG – Mike G, TF. Runners up – Peter C, Maestro Turbo & Chris Y, Maestro Turbo. Best MGB/C or Midget – Alan G, Roadster. Runners up – Richard A, Roadster & John S, BGT LE.
Wilmcote Picnic Run
Sunday 2nd August 2020
Many thanks to Alan & Liz who allowed us to use their large Orchard for a picnic. There was lots of space for the cars to be parked in ‘bubbles’ of 3 (6 people) with plenty of social distance within and between the bubbles. The sun was out for us when we arrived at The Valley in Evesham, with some of us partaking of the facilities and lots of socially distanced chatting. The run was 26 miles through some lanes we have not used before and well appreciated. I think everyone had a great time walking along the canal wharf and around the rest of the grounds. A fantastic day out.
British Motor Museum Re-opening Run
Sunday 5th July 2020
19 cars arrived at the Golden Cross to join in the run over to the Museum and yet again we had some sunshine, although it was blowing a gale at Gaydon. We were therefore able to keep our tradition of visiting with the Arden MG Club on the second day of opening, this is now the third time. Most of us took a picnic and sat around our cars (socially distanced of course) on the plateau overlooking the Museum Building. Some of us walked down to the Museum for a look round, it was great to be able to visit again after so long (well I enjoyed it despite the number of times I have walk through the collection). John was able to show off his new acquisition, the Iris Blue MGB Roadster, he had only had it a few weeks and looks really good (it must be popular at a future Show Night).
Social Distance Run Mark 2
Sunday 28th June 2020
I tried to be clever and add an additional stop into the original route, whilst changing another stop to even up the drive distances but what I failed to take into account is that when we rotated round we effectively move 2 places with the people we see from the opposite direction, however this does not work with an even number of stop points, so you only see half of the group!! The ‘Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men’ to quote the Scottish Bard. I will remember that if we ever need to do this again. Anyway, it didn’t rain and the sun shone for a while, so a good day was had.
Social Distance Run
Sunday 14th June 2020
As I said in my email to everyone, if the response to this run is anything to go by it was enjoyed by everyone who took part (and some that didn’t, with David & Diane in isolation pending an op, they saw us all passing by their house!!). It was no doubt helped that the weather was kind to us but I think it was the chance to get the MGs out and say hello in person to our MG friends. What was really amazing was how you all followed the instructions and kept to the timetable, so the chaos I was fearing didn’t materialise. A great day out, so we will do it again
‘On Your Drive’ – Drive-it-Day
Sunday 26th April 2020
Due to the ‘Lockdown’ from the outbreak of Coronavirus, it was not possible to have our normal ‘Drive-it-Day Run’ but Phil F came up with a good idea to have ‘On Your Drive Day’. I emailed everyone not knowing what sort of response we would get but it was fantastic, with over 30 people sending in photos which were added to the Arden MG Club WhatsApp Group page. I also sent the photos over to Norman who produced the Montage below:

I also received lots of comments with the photos some of which are (these are followed by all the photos):
Got my car out this morning, wiped it down, switched the engine on, closed my eyes and imagined amazing country roads for a few minutes!
Stay safe and well.

Kevin Tasker
Thanks for staying in touch with us all and your efforts on virtual meetings – haven’t made one yet but will try to catch one in the future. A couple of photos attached, MGA running bit TC awaiting return of some wheels!
John Woolston
MG photos on the drive today.
What a great day it would have been for the drive – a year for the history books!
Keep Safe
Richard & Fiona
Hi Paul
Hope you are well
Pic for the gallery, if you think it is up to standard.
At least the car is out of the garage, good excuse to polish!
All the best
Alan and Liz Griffith
Doors open for “Morag” on Drive it Day

David Curtis
How’s this Paul….sorry we forgot to dress up for the golf club…

Mick & Marg Walker
Hi Paul -what a grand day for it!! Here’s my photo for Arden`s Drive it Day!
Best wishes
Andy Bourne
This sunny weather is mocking us

Alan Palmer
All ready for the road but just need the bacon butties to arrive. Yes it did take some time to get them all out but I enjoyed every minute.

Steve Farr.
We would like to thank Alan & Liz for arranging the most unique Drive-it-Day ever, even ‘cooking’ up the idea of ‘do your own lunch’!
Well done

Alan & Julia

Getting Ready On Your Marks

Get Set GO!!

Graham was ‘Exhausted’ after trying to get tuned up.

John’s MGA taken on a previous day plus his Challenger ‘E Type’ and MGB engine Bugatti.

John & Sonia are all set to avoid Coronavirus!!

Nigel was the first ne on the day.

Norman with new spot lights and ready for the sunshine.

Paul A’s TC is undergoing repairs but the spare (Austin 7) is ready for the party.

Peter was concerned when he found a ‘leak’ in his car, well it is an MGF (worried about head gasket failure!!).

The Red cars almost won on the day. Enjoy the drink Phil.
Graham christened it ‘Push it Day’, you really do need to get that starter motor fixed!!

Well at least Merlot got to have a drive.

Trevor and Angie couldn’t leave the TD on the drive, wishful thinking with the Rally Board on the project car, maybe next year but no one will be able to keep up with you.

Phil who started it all was the last to send his photo
Chilly Willy Run
New Year’s Day
The Golden Cross to The Golden Cross
This got the New Year off to a great start, this year we started and finished at the Golden Cross and a few folks took advantage of the bacon rolls before the run. The route was set out using only gritted roads but the weather was warm enough that we didn’t need to, however there were some interesting roads for us to travel along. It would appear that one of the junctions changed from when we did the recce as it appeared different to the instruction but it was so close to the Cross I don’t think anyone got lost!! It was great to see that two thirds of you took the day seriously and used your MG, my ‘B’ was indisposed but we did bring the ‘New MG 124 Spider’, maybe this is what the MGB should have become. There were 33 of sitting down to lunch and the staff at the Cross did their usual great job looking after us. Here are some photos of the day, many thanks to Norman for bringing his camera, his photos can be viewed and downloaded from: